Class schedule
Each class 45 mins in length. Below are class start times. Classes 5 days a week!
Monday- 5:45am, 7am, 4:30pm
Tuesday- 4:30pm
Wednesday- 5:45am, 7am, 4:30pm
Thursday - 5:45am, 7am, 4:30pm
Friday- 5:45am, 7am, 4:30pm
*Register for classes using the members app.
*Available with all GRIT Class memberships:
No commitment memberships. GRIT recognizes that life can be hectic and we are here to support you which is why all of our memberships are able to be paused or cancelled, no questions asked.
Our schedule opens up 4-weeks in advance so members can build their workouts in their schedule. Please read the information regarding our class reservation policy:
Class reservations are made using a member’s PushPress Members App. To guarantee a spot in class, please make sure that you register for each class and time you wish to attend on the schedule. Reservations can be made 4 weeks in advance. A reserved class must be cancelled using the Members App or by reaching out to us within 6 HOURS of the reserved class start time. If a member fails to cancel within the 6 HOUR window, we reserve the right to charge a $15 dollar cancellation fee.
If a desired class is full member’s have the ability to add him/herself to the waitlist. If a spot opens up in class, the first person on the waitlist will be bumped into class. He/she will be notified by a text message and/or e-mail. Important: when joining a waitlist please ensure to utilize the notification feature. This allows a member to set how much notification time they need in order to make it to class. If a member is added from the waitlist to the reservation list and CANNOT attend, simply access the Members App and give up your reserved spot.